Christopher Poindexter
geb. 1991
How truly terrible it is that those who are silent are often seen as empty
Christopher Poindexter
geb. 1991
Love in such a way that it haunts the hate in others
Christopher Poindexter
geb. 1991
Loneliness burns in towers of fire around us
Christopher Poindexter
geb. 1991
How we all want so badly to divorce reality, but that bitch just won’t sign the papers
Christopher Poindexter
geb. 1991
Your darkness is a symphony
Christopher Poindexter
geb. 1991
Too often I struggle with slowing my Gemini heart down. I love too much, often more than I can handle
Christopher Poindexter
geb. 1991
We become the way we treat each other. So at all costs, be gracious and kind
Christopher Poindexter
geb. 1991
The universe wrote fiction in us: It’s called fear
Christopher Poindexter
geb. 1991
So much to love, so little time
Christopher Poindexter
geb. 1991
And even when you’re broken, I will marry your broken pieces
Eingereicht von Carmen Müller
I loved her not for the way she danced with my angels but for the way the sound of her name could silence my demons
Christopher Poindexter
geb. 1991
She lived with hurricane eyes and fell in love with the way the waves collapsed against her cheeks
Christopher Poindexter
geb. 1991
Chaos is an angel who fell in love with a demon
Christopher Poindexter
geb. 1991
Oh, how we all carry such loney and wild things inside us
Christopher Poindexter
geb. 1991
I believe spontaneous kindness is more powerful than your gun
Engel – Englisch – Familie – Feinde – Freiheit – Freundschaft – Furcht – Glück – Herz – Himmel – Hoffnung – Kinder – Kraft – Krieg – Kurz – Latein – Leben – Leid – Liebe – Lüge – Lustig – Menschen – Movie – Musik – Mut – Mutter – Neue – Religion – Respekt – Schicksal – Schmerz – Seele – Tod – Trauer – Träume – Treue – Vater – Wahrheit – Weisheit – Wünsche – Zeit – Zukunft – Alle Autoren
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