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Die besten Motive der Tattoo Messe London 2019

Foto: Shiru84,

Am vergangenen Wochenende fand im großen Tobacco Dock die 15. internationale Tattoo-Convention in London statt. Dieses Event gilt für Tätowierer und Fans als eine der besten Fachmessen der Branche. Mit ca. 50 Euro Eintritt pro Tag ist sie aber zugleich auch eine der teuersten.

Die Convention in London zeigte, wie in jedem Jahr, einige der weltbesten Tattoo-Künstler. Darüber hinaus gab es jede Menge zusätzliche Supply-Firmen und Trader. Aus Deutschland waren die Supplier Premier Products und Tattoo-Safe für die Profis mit dabei. Die deutschen Studios Reinkarnation aus Köln, Kreuzstich, Berlin und Checker Demon, Stuttgart sorgten bei den Besuchern für frische Farbe. Mit ausreichend Schmuck versorgten Firmen wie UK Custom Plugs oder Tribalik Piercings die Convention-Gäste. Jetzt aber endlich zu den versprochenen Tattoos und einigen der coolsten und spektakulärsten Arbeiten der diesjährigen Messe London:

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Done Friday at @londontattooconvention ! It was selected amongst de final 5 Best tattoos of the day amongst hundreds of top artists in the most prestigious convention in the world. What an honor!!!!!🙏🙏🙏 So today I’m excited for finishing another beautiful piece on the final day of a convention we'rere I’m seeing the extreme level of perfection that tattooing in all styles is reaching. So inspiring! But thinking that next weekend I’ll be at @cezannetattooconvention In France. Doing a seminar with @arthackerstribe In Barcelona in between, etc etc… Sometimes I am very jealous of office 9-17 week, I really do. were people get 2 full days of nearly every week… Although, being a tattoo artist means you cannot actually disconnect from your art sometimes I wish I did😂 I mean, people say it’s great working in your passion. I reply it is, but that the word passion doesn’t Mach the lifestyle. Passion is nice and balanced. The right word is “Obsession” I n an obsession there is no balance, it can damage your personal relations and your health if you are not careful. But overall I’m definitely blessed snd honored that Ivan live of my obsession 😂😂 Do I often drift into design thinking? Yes, I do.⁠⠀ Do I think about tattooing all the time? Yes, I do. ⁠⠀ Am I building my brand 24/7? Yes, I do. ⁠⠀ AM I NORMAL? I hope so 😂😱⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ But dedication is important! Because, I think that to achieve something you never had, you have to do something you never did. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ When I am home, what ever that means, I am following easily my schedule and routine, but when you are traveling – it's so much harder. To eat good, to get to the gym, to get sleep right hours…⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Please, share with me how are you dealing with traveling and coping with your routines!⁠⠀advice Is great _________________________________________⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Done at @utopiantattootribe Using @intenzetattooink colors @fkirons machines, @killerinktattoo supplies, @magicmoon_tattoo_supply cartridges, @stencilstuff stencil, @dermalizepro and @aftercareh2ocean @h2ocean products ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ #tattoodesign #tattooartist #inked #blackwhitetattoo #inklife #blackwork #tattoosleeve #tattooinspiration #tattoodo #charlyhuurmantattoo #ta

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