Das renommierte Tattoostudio Noia Berlin veranstaltet am Sonntag den 15. August ein Charity-Event für zwei Tierschutzorganisationen in der von den schrecklichen Waldbränden betroffenen Türkei. Alle Einnahmen werden bei diesem Tattoo-Charity-Tag für die Tiere gespendet. Unten findet ihr die Original-Ankündigung des Studios.
As you all have already noticed, very violent natural disasters are ravaging the Mediterranean area. Due to wildfires, Families have lost homes, and animals that have their homes in these forests have unfortunately perished. What we can do from here is to help the organizations that are doing everything with heart and blood to save lives in these areas
Alle Infos unter: www.instagram.com/noiiaberlin
On Sunday August 15th, we will have a charity event with following artists who want to contribute. The income will be donated to the animal welfare organizations @haytap and @ahbap in Turkey. Due to the covid restrictions the event will take place just with appointments, please contact the artists by email. Please check the IG pages of the artists as above mentioned for their available designs and contact details.
Alle Infos unter: www.instagram.com/noiiaberlin